Addiction Exchange offers you and your loved ones lasting solutions to addiction, anxiety, and depression problems. Instead of getting caught up in allowing your difficult issues dictate what you can and cannot do, you learn to separate yourself from alcohol and other drug abuse, exacerbated by depression or anxiety. Your emphasis focuses on changing your relationship with what causes you suffering and despair rather than trying to eliminate the symptoms that you cannot eliminate. Please tap on one of the circles below at the bottome of this page to learn specifically about how Alcohol Treatment, Anxiety Treatment, Depression Treatment, or Drug Treatment may work for you.
Together, you and I implement and develop your custom treatment program. We will raise your competence, experience, knowledge, and other personal characteristics that will lead you to a rich, meaningful life. Your tailored systematic approach to master and to transcend addiction, anxiety, and depression are based on the following mental health conrnerstones:
- Accepting and treating the world just as it is with an open mind and heart.
- You chose your higher values over your lesser values ongoingly.
- Moving towards your highest values by honoring your commitment to valued goals.
- Developing self-acceptance, psychological flexibility, and mindfulness are the keys to your kingdom.
Information about fees, insurance, and other practice details are at the bottom of the pull down Contact Page. The About Pages provides information about you, me, and Addiction Exchange. Let’s get to know one another by initiating a telephone call or completing an information questionnaire. Please ask me about my 2019 gift to you when telephone me write a note to me. Thank you for spending some at Addiction Exchange, and please come back often to let me know what your needs and wants are.
Daniel W. Minerva
Daniel W. Minerva, Ph.D., MBA
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Alcohol Treatment Specialist